Many of our customers ask us “what’s the different between digital kiosks and digital signage?”. We outline the core differences here…

Digital signage and digital kiosks have always had a clear distinction between them, however in recent years as technology has improved significantly that distinction has blurred.

Digital kiosk technology has increasingly utilised elements such as touch screens, voice commands, and gesture control. For years the main difference between digital kiosks and digital signage was the interactivity which allowed for a very personalised customer experience. Touch screen kiosks were revolutionary but very expensive, where with digital signage and electronic signage, which was designed to act as a static digital display of content fell behind but offered mass information at a lower price point.

digital signage

However nowadays, digital signage has come on leaps and bounds and is more interactive than ever. The screens are no longer static, with the addition of sensors they can now create a very personalised experience. With new rollouts of products like smart TV electronic signage offers customers those touch screen capabilities which take the experience to a whole new level of interaction at an affordable price.

Why you should use electronic signage for your business?

There are a few reasons why using digital signage screens might be a better option for your business. Below we look at the key reasons:

  • If you have an area where people will be sitting or standing around, such as in restaurants, waiting areas, receptions, essentially an area where people have time to consume the information you are displaying.
  • Electronic signage screens are a good way of highlighting promotions or special events.
  • They are a great way of displaying imagery especially in restaurants and shops of new meals on the menu or new products.
  • A way of displaying additional information about the business and wayfinding within the building.
  • They also require very little maintenance, so once the content is created you can just leave it to run its loop all day. The content can also be easily edited with a main control frame.

Why use an interactive kiosk for your business?

If you are looking for something a little more interactive, providing the ultimate smart solution to your business, then you may want to look into touch screen kiosks. Key advantages and applications include:

  • Digital kiosks were designed to be interacted with; therefore, your customers and clients will be able to touch the screen and it provides them with a quick, up to date, and digital experience. They provide a more interactive and engaging experience and encourage your customers to engage with your brand.
  • They can provide your customers with helpful information, family attractions, maps, special offers, details about the business or store, also allowing customers to gain access to the internet.
  • With the installation of interactive kiosks, your customers can pay for goods through them and also order their food which makes them much more time efficient in businesses for both the customers and your staff.
  • They often get noticed more than digital signage as they entice you to interact.
  • Due to the interactive qualities of digital kiosks, they can provide you with analytics so you can gather the data from users to then improve and develop your customer experience further.

Digital kiosks are still more expensive than standalone digital signage displays because they require more infrastructure, and they tend to be less mobile and bulkier but they do generally provide a more personalised experience for customers over the more static digital signage solutions.

When it comes to choosing between the two for your business, you need to weigh up these differences and what experience you want for your customers plus your budget. For example, if you are trying to create an online shopping experience within your in-store environment, then opting for a digital kiosk is a better option. But a digital display screen might be better to guide customers to the brands and products you stock plus the latest offers.

Whilst digital signage has an interactive feature, they can’t process transactions but can still drive valuable sales just by providing that engaging information, with the notion of ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ in mind, you can entice customers and close that transaction fairly easily.

Do you have a project where interactive kiosks or electronic signage could be used? Then we can help. At Teksmart® we specialise in both and can help you find the perfect fit for your business whatever sector.

Get in touch with a member of our team on 01530 382 170 or email us for enquiries at

digital kiosk
interactive kiosk
touch screen kiosk