Increase Sales Using Digital Advertising Displays

With clever promotional material being such a clear component to reaching potential customers, more businesses are looking to increase sales using digital advertising displays. Using digital signs in this way is a dynamic, creative solution to attracting new customers, and a good user interface can guide and persuade existing patrons to buy further products.

In this article, we will look at some of our favourite inventive ways to increase sales using digital advertising displays. Let’s begin…

digital advertising displays

Increased Visibility

One of the benefits of using digital advertising signs, especially outdoors, is that is that they can reach an incredibly broad range of potential customers for your business. Most digital advertising screens are designed to be viewed at wide angles. Therefore, if your screen and text are both big enough, you can be confident that your brand and message will meet people who may not have necessarily came across your business naturally.

Outdoor digital advertising signs are also more likely to reach customers when they are already predisposed to spend their money, especially if located in an area with increased foot traffic like a shopping mall. Encouraging a customer’s impulsivity purchases will of course increase sales.

Retention Rate

Consumers respond well to engaging content, and there is evidence to suggest that digital advertising signs create a higher retention rate amongst viewers over more stationary signage options, such as billboards.

It is harder to convey a specific message using static imagery, and this is one of the main advantages of using digital advertising screens, as video can be more detailed and eye-catching.

Easy-To-Change Themes

One of the best things about a digital advertising screen is that you can easily change the content on display. Unlike a traditional billboard advertisement which are rented for longer periods of time, if you feel like your advertisement is not working, you can simply change what is physically displayed on the screen.

The ability to refresh and revitalise your content in this way means you can adapt accordingly dependent on your customers’ needs and priorities. This ability to change your advertising to fit specific customer expectations should, in turn, help you to increase sales.

digital advertising displays

Update Customers

Emails from brands and businesses sent to existing or prospective customers often go straight into the spam folder or are simply seen as irritating. This makes it difficult to update customers about upcoming promotional offers that may persuade potential consumers to visit your business premises.

Using digital advertising displays, you can easily promote upcoming offers or sales in a less intrusive and invasive way. Due to the aforementioned high retention rate that comes from video content, using digital signs will make your customers more aware of changing product lines and sales.

Stand Out!

Customers are becoming increasingly savvy to the world of marketing, either online or in person. With such a crowded market for advertising, it is imperative you find a solution that allows your brand and messaging stand out. Digital advertising signs allow you to be more inventive and creative with the content you create for your customers, drawing their attention, and hopefully cultivating their brand loyalty.

For more information about our range of digital signage and how it could be applied to your business, contact our sales team to speak to an expert, via our phone number at 01530 382 170 or by email

digital advertising displays
digital advertising displays
digital advertising displays